24 Mirages Seconde
« 24 Mirages Seconde » is an association under French law, proposing an assistance for the development of
a scenario and to specific needs for the realization of a movie project.
It does not own any copyrights, which are to be managed by a production, which « 24 Mirages Seconde » will
sign an agreement with, in order to settle the range of action of the association,
as well as the reimbursement of any advanced funding when the shooting will start.
Its interventions encompass an aid to the scenarist and the director.
It can include documentation research, script doctor consulting, location scouting, technician and actor appointing…
The association members are all potential parties to positions in the film and their role in the project
is therefore broad and various.
Projects in exploitation and in festivals:
After being Claude Chabrol's assistant, as well as Pierre Schoendoerffer's and Rachid Bouchareb's — among others — Marc founds the production company "Debsie Films" which will produce a dozen of short films, documentaries, television films and will also be line producer. He will then become Unit Production Manager for notably the « Collections Maupassant » for France 2, produced by Gérard Jourd'hui then for the soap opera « Plus Belle La Vie ».
Jehan has worked in movie dubbing, lending one's voice to many characters; he also played on TV and cinema, notably in "Poussières de Vie" by Rachid Bouchareb, for which he received an award un 1995 ("Outstanding Youth Actor in a Foreign Film" of the Young Artist Awards). He later branched towards science studies and worked as computer engineer and developper.
Jehan is now the main developer and maintainer of the free software GIMP and works on the animation film ZeMarmot with the film director Aryeom Han.
Armel graduated from a cinema bachelor degree and a filming degree at INA. After a few years working on feature films (movies by Claude Chabrol, Éric Lartigau, Christian Vincent, Philippe Le Guay, and others), he becomes audiovisual production manager at the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud (cultural hotspot in the Loire region, France). There, he also works for NEF Animation (corporate platform on animation film script writing). He is currently working at RVZ, in the "camera" department, just directed his fist short film with the non-profit 24 Mirages Second and is developping his first feature-length film.
Thomas is a young assistant director. He worked on several episodes of « Plus Belle La Vie » for TELFRANCE SÉRIES. He also worked on the feature film « Noir comme neige » directed by Éric Valette for LIZLAND FILMS.
He was third assistant on the film « Belfond 2 », second assistant on the TV series « Plus Belle La Vie » and trainer at Cinémagis Provence in 2023.
Actor, stage director and theater president, for many years in the National Theater of Marseille then at Tréteaux de France in Paris. From 2004 to 2020, he was the artistic director for actors in the famous drama series Plus Belle La Vie, broadcasted on France 3, produced by Newen-Telfrance.
He recently came back on stage, actor and scenarist for theaters. His new play, Pagnol à la lettre, was showed at the Festival d’Avignon and at the Théâtre Toursky.
Simultaneously, he becomes actor trainer, creating the organization Acteurs Studio 13.